

1. ジャスミンの化学 (Chemistry of Jasmin)

Torii, S. Kagaku 1965, 20, 609. (化学)

2. 有機合成における電解法の可能性 (Possibilities in Electroorganic Syntheses )

Torii, S. J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn. 1974, 32, 161. (有機合成化学協会誌)

3. ジャスモノイドの合成化学 (The Synthetic Chemistry of Jasmonoids)

Torii, S.; Tanaka, H. Koryo 1976, 114, 41. (香料)

4. クリーンな有機合成 −電気エネルギーの直接利用− (A Clean Technology for Organic Synthesis. --Direct Use of Electric Energy--)

Torii, S. Kagaku to Seibutu 1977, 15, 344. (化学と生物)

5. 芳香族炭化水素側鎖の電解酸化 (Electrochemical Oxidation of Side-chain of Alkylbenzenes)

Torii, S.; Siroi, T. J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn. 1979, 37, 914. (有機合成化学協会誌)

6. ダマセノンとダマスコンの合成研究 (Synthetic Chemistry of Damascenones and Damascones)

Torii, S.; Uneyama, K.; Inokuchi, T. Koryo, 1979, 125, 47. (香料)

7. 間接電解酸化と有機合成 (Indirect Electrooxidation in Organic Synthesis)

Torii, S. Shokubai 1980, 22, 330. (触媒)

8. 脂肪族化合物の電解官能基修飾と有機合成 (Electrochemical Functionalization of Aliphatic Compounds for Organic Synthesis)

Torii, S. Yukagaku 1980, 29, 806. (油化学)

9. 非コルベ反応を中心とした有機合成

Torii, S. Kagaku Zokan 1980, 86, 101. (化学増刊 86 "Electroorganic Chemistry−電子を用いる新しい有機化学−", 長 哲郎・庄野達哉・本多健一 共編、化学同人、1980)

10. 可能性を秘める有機電解合成 (Potentiality of Electroorganic Synthesis in Fine Chemistry)

Torii, S. Kagaku Kogyo 1982, 33, 29. (化学工業)

11. 有機合成のための電解反応設計

鳥居 滋、"有機合成の革新技術"、CMC 社、1982, 93.

12. 有機電解合成

鳥居 滋、"有機合成の革新技術"、CMC 社、1982, 21.

13. ハロゲンをメディエーターとする有機電解合成−b-ラクタム系化合物の選択的官能基変換− (Electrosynthesis with Halogen-Mediatory System --Electrolytic Transformation of b -Lactam Compounds --)

Torii, S.; T. Tanaka Kagaku Kogyo 1985, 36, 756. (化学工業)

14. Mediator を用いる間接電解反応−電解合成における還元および酸化反応の可能性− (Indirect Electrochemical Reactions by Using Mediators. --Potentiality of Electro-reductive and -oxidative Functionalizations in Electrosynthesis--)

Torii, S.; Inokuchi, T. J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn. 1985, 43, 533. (有機合成化学協会誌)

15. The New Role of Electroreductive Mediators in Electroorganic Synthesis

Torii, S. Synthesis 1986, 873.

16. 電解による官能基変換

Torii, S. Kagaku Zokan 1986, 108, 167. (化学増刊 108 "精密合成化学−21世紀を担う若い化学者へ−", 野崎 一・大嶌幸一郎 共編、化学同人、1986)

17. 有機電解化学のこれから

Torii, S. Kagaku Sosetu 1986, 50, 111. (化学総説 "躍動する化学−創造への挑戦)

18. テルペン化合物の変換と電解反応 (New Role of the Electrochemical Method in the Transformation of Terpenoids)

Torii, S.; Inokuchi, T. Koryo 1988, 57. (香料)

19. 導電性高分子の電解合成 (Electrochemical Polymerization of Conducting Polymer)

Torii, S. Kagaku 1988, 43, 138. (化学)

20. Role of the Electrochemical Method in the Transformation of b-Lactam Antibiotics and Terpenoids

Torii, S.; Tanaka, H.; Inokuchi, T. Topics Curr. Chem. 1988, 142, 153.

21. Electrocatalytic Reactions with Electron Carriers

Torii, S. in "Future Opportunities in Catalytic and Separation Technology" (ed. by Misono, M.; Morooka, Y.; Kimura, S.) Elsevier, 1990, 231.

22. 有機電解合成の新手法−硫黄、セレン、テルル化合物への電解還元法の可能性− (Novel Methodology in Electroorganic Synthesis. --Potentiality in Electroreduction of Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium Compounds --)

Torii, S. J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn. 1990, 48, 553. (有機合成化学協会誌)

This review deals with recent aspects on electroreduction of sulfur, selenium, and tellurium compounds which involves three major topics as follows: (1) Characteristic features of electroreductive cleavages of S-S, Se-Se, Te-Te, S-N, S-C, and Se-C bonds; (2) Electroreductive removal of sulfonyl protecting proups; (3) Electrosynthesis of sulfur, selenium, and tellurium containing compounds which have interesting physical properties and novel functionalities.

23. 電解酸・塩基を用いる有機合成 (Potentiality of EG Acids and EG Bases in Organic Synthesis)

Torii, S. Kagaku to Kogyo 1990, 43, 48. (化学と工業)

24. 電気化学合成実験法

鳥居 滋、"有機合成実験法ハンドブック" (有機合成化学協会編)、丸善株式会社、1990, 927.

25. Carboxylic Acids

Torii, S.; Tanaka, H. in "Organic Electrochemistry, 3rd Ed" (ed. by Lund, H.; Baizer, M. M.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, 535.

26. Addition Reactions with Formation for Carbon-Halogen Bonds

Torii, S.; Inokuchi, T. in "Comprehensive Organic Synthesis" Vol. 7: Oxidation (ed. by Trost, B. M.; Fleming, I.), Pergamon Press, 1991, 527.

27. Viable One-Pot Procedures for Electrooxidative Coupling of 2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol to 2,2'6'6-Tetra-tert-butyl-1,1'-biphenol

Torii, S.; Inokuchi, T.; Dhimane, A.; Araki, Y.; Maki, T. Electroorganic Synthesis (ed. by Little, R. D.; Weinberg, N. L.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, pp197-203.

28. Electroreductive Carbon-Carbon Bond-Making Reactions in Pb(0)/Pb(II) Redox Mediatory Systems. "Barbier Type" Allylation and Hydrocoupling of Imines in an Undivided Cell

Tanaka, H.; Nakahara, T.; Dhimane, H.; Torii, S. Electroorganic Synthesis (ed. by Little, R. D.; Weinberg, N. L.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, pp241-247.

29. New Development of Indirect Electrooxidation of Alcohols by N-Oxoammonium Salts and Bromine Compounds as Mediators

Inokuchi, T.; Matsumoto, S.; Torii, S. Electroorganic Synthesis (ed. by Little, R. D.; Weinberg, N. L.) Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, pp249-254.

30. New Trends in Electroorganic Reactions: Role of Multi Mediatory Systems in Electroorganic Reactions

Torii, S. Organic Synthesis in Japan Past, Present, and Future (ed. by R. Noyori), Tokyo Kagaku Dojin, 1992, pp.481-486.

31. 間接電解反応での電子伝達セグメントの役割

鳥居 滋、現代化学増刊 21 "有機合成の最先端−反応の設計と制御−" (向山光昭編)、東京化学同人、1992, 23.

32. ニトロキシル化合物を用いるアルコールの触媒的酸化反応の進歩 (Recent Advances in the Catalytic Oxidation of Alcohols with 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) and Its Application to Organic Synthesis)

Inokuchi, T.; Matsumoto, S.; Torii, S. J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn. 1993, 51, 910. (有機合成化学協会誌)

Recent advances in the oxidation reaction of alcohols by use of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO), and scope and Limitations as well as characteristic feature of the method are surveyed. Emphasis is placed on the catalytic process by the aid of co-oxidants. Useful applications of this oxidation method to syntheses of various bioactive compounds and functionalized molecules are shown. Primary alcohols are oxidized to aldehydes and to carboxylic acids, selectively. Secondary alcohols, more slowly than primary , can be oxidized to ketones in a slightly basic biphase solution

33. 有機電解合成における有機金属錯体 (Organometal Complexes in Electroorganic Synthesis)

Torii, S. J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn. 1993, 51, 1024. (有機合成化学協会誌)

Organometal complexes play an important role in modern electroorganic synthesis. This article reviews recent advances on electroorganic reactions assisted by organometal complexes involving the VIII, IV B, VI B, and VII B group transition metals.

34. ペニシリン−セフェロスポリン変換。セフェロスポリン系抗生物質新規合成中間体GCLEの開発 (Penicillin-Cephalosporin Conversion. Synthesis of GCLE, a Potent Intermediate for Cephalosporin Family's Antibiotics)

Tanaka, H.; Torii. S. Fine Chemicals, 1995, 24, 28. (ファインケミカル)

35. A New Strategic Intermediate for b-Lactam Antibiotic Synthesis: Allenecarboxylates

Torii, S.; Tanaka, H. Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokai Shi 1996, 54, 941. (有機合成化学協会誌)

36. 電気化学的手法で生ずる金属錯体の反応特性−ルテニウムとオスミウム−

Torii, S. Kagaku Zokan 1996, 124, 69. (化学増刊 124 "均一系触媒反応設計のための戦略−21世紀を担う化学者へ−", 村橋俊一・山本明夫・野依良治 共編、化学同人、1996)

37. Electrochemical Asymmetric Syntheses of Chiral Diols and Epoxides

S. Torii, Intreface, 1997, 6(4), 46.

38. 有機電解化学

鳥居 滋、応用化学講座4 "有機合成化学"、朝倉書店、1997, 96.

39. Specific Control of Electrogenerated Reactive Species and Their Synthetic Applications

S. Torii, New Challenges in Organic Electrochemistry (ed. by Osa, T.), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1998, 113-142.

40. Electroreductive Polarity Inversion Methodology of Palladium-catalyzed Reactions

Tanaka, H. Reactive Organometallics (eds. by Murahashi S.etc.) KODANSHA, 1998, 375.

41. Carboxylic acids.

Torii, S.; Tanaka, H. Organic Electrochemistry (4th Edition) 2001, 499.

42. Electroorganic synthesis towards environmentally friendly processes. 2. Electrosynthesis in a silica gel/polymer particles-disperse water system.

Tanaka, H. Electrochemistry 2002, 70, 37.

43. Environmentally friendly electroorganic synthesis.

Tanaka, H. Kagaku Sochi 2002, 44, 51.

44. Development of zero-waste system using electrolytic organic synthesis in water. Electrolysis in silica gel- or polymer particle-dispersed aqueous media.

Tanaka, H. Eco Industry 2002, 7, 5.

45. Aluminium as an electron pool for organic synthesis - Multi-metal redox promoted reactions.

Tanaka, H.; Kuroboshi, M. Curr. Org. Chem. 2004, 8, 1027.