4/2-5/31 Postdoc position is available!
We are participating in JST START Program (https://www.jst.go.jp/start/en/index.html) “Production of functional materials using microchannel wet-spinning technology”. We are seeking a postdoctral fellow who will be encouraged to development of functional polymer nanofibers and the mass-production process.
Strong training background in Chemical Engineering, Polymer Science, Interfacial Chemistry, and/or Microfluidics is highly preferred. In addition, candidate who is self-motivated and entrepreneur-minded is welcome because the START Program is aiming at setting up a venture to produce functional materials using microchannel wet-spinning technology after the end of the project.
Please check the detail on the web site(https://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=2&dt=1&id=D118040062&ln_jor=1).